Andean Transformational Healing Spa
Our Missing Link!
A Healing Spa for International Travelers that will create financial sustainability for our Service Projects.
A Glimpse into the Bigger Vision and our Path Forward.
This is our vision for an economically self-sustaining system which serves everyone in the most optimal ways, increasing our ability to host our international friends and visitors through deep healing and community, while funding our ever expanding projects with our indigenous friends in the mountains and in Pisaq.
I have been increasingly contacted by people from all over who are wanting to volunteer.
I found that people just naturally want to give, share their love, help others, and connect somehow with the indigenous communities here.
Our model is of empowering the communities on all levels from within.
I wanted to find a new interface and context, a connecting point that would create incredible value and impact for everyone.
In this model the personal healing we will offer our international friends will fuel economically, simultaneously and inherently, the service projects in the communities.
This Andean Transformational Healing Spa will be the offering for our world wide friends. The conclusion I have had is that millions of people are needing deep healing right now..
We will offer the most profound and professional healing protocols utilizing an array of specific, integrally related modalities, designed to effect an incredible transformational shift in an accelerated period of time.
The Andean Spa would host a continued calendar of events, involving all levels of healing, transformation, certifications, activations, teachings, and modalities to re- awaken our natural potential.
Our events would not only be hosted in the most heavenly location, and offer an experience that is totally unique here in the Sacred Valley, but would happen within a context completely unique within the entire Sacred Valley.
Our focus is simply returning to our natural healthy state, and then offering ourselves in service.
Because the real healing, the real medicine, is uncovering our gifts to the world...
and then doing it.
We will offer a unique way to connect with ourselves and the Sacred Valley,. all based out of the most amazing spa, with hot tubs, sauna, fresh, organic, local foods, juices and smoothies, deep cleansing protocols, healing/body work, yoga, meditation, breath-work, dance, heart circles, chanting, song, fire circles, celebration and so much more.
The money we make will go toward funding, maintaining and expanding our service work in Pisaq and the Indigenous Communities.
This is what will differentiate us from the large and growing spiritual marketplace that is here in Pisaq and the Sacred Valley.
We have an entirely unique approach. We do our healing and spiritual practices and protocols to prepare us to be in service. We find ourselves naturally within a life of self offering, rather than self absorption.
We will offer practical ways to get involved, and participate with various cottage industries, run by local youth, all designed, again, to fund our projects.
While many people want to volunteer, what they really want to do is help, and they mistakenly in this case think that "volunteering" is always the best way to help, but that's not always the case.
What is needed is not man/woman power/workers, it's money to fund the cost of building out infrastructure.
The community has no lack of hard workers.
So that's what the Spa is for, to bring us home again, to ourselves, on a higher, freer, lighter, clearer energy and biosphere, within our bodies, minds and souls.
Our visitors, as they are sinking into their hot tub with their juice and about to get a massage...
will know that they are funding directly and significantly positive projects that affect entire communities (not isolated families, which is often the case), and that their Sacred Valley experience is not a bubbled elite disconnected retreat, but a fully co-collaborative, empowering win win win situation, for them, for the local people, and for us as an organization.
Beyond that, our retreat participants will be fulfilling a huge secondary need (after their own Sacred Valley, Peru/Personal Care Retreat) and that is...
to give back in a truly significant, meaningful way, to the local people who need it most.
To be able to take care of ourselves while simultaneously taking care of the host communities around us.
And then we take our beloved guests up into the indigenous community. To see the work they have already funded and helped empower to make happen!
People often want to connect with the indigenous people because they are living still in their original consciousness and traditional ways.
First we go through our own personal healing, releasing, unwinding, and peeling away those levels, revealing a vastly renewed state of wellness, balance, health and joy.
And from there, rather than with all our unseen baggage, we will go meet the local indigenous people.
We visit what our retreat participants are already part of,
projects they have already funded!
They could share a skill or a song, teach an English or Art Class, or participate in some sports or games, eat local food, learn local weaving, or local dance, visit their farms, see their way of life, meet the families, children, and elders.
A visit with friends.
Because this is the context that we offer. Not as a tourist, but co-collaborators and friends.
A win win win economic model, which will move us from the out-dated, totally non-sustainable donor based approach, to a fully thriving, product and service oriented approach.
Though the path forward is clear…
we are not there yet!
If you resonate with our work and have the ability and inspiration to help make it happen financially, please contact me.
With Much Love and Warmest Regards,